what have I done, part 2: 15 pound boogaloo

Remember yesterday how I was telling you the mild panic attack I had over the fact that I somehow ended up purchasing what amounted to 15 pounds of crocus bulbs, and I was contemplating how many holes I’d have to dig (which will always be too many holes because I don’t like digging holes or really yard work of any kind) in order to plant 15 pounds of bulbs, and I was pointing out that I likely wouldn’t get them all in the ground before snow fell, because what kind of fucking idiot buys anything to plant in mid to late October in the mountains of New Hampshire (I’m not a Swiftie, but it’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me)?

Welp, few things to follow up on:

1. It snowed last night. Not a lot, only a dusting, and we were frankly lucky to get all the way through October without snowfall, as that’s not the norm around here. But still.

2. The bulbs got delivered today, and you guys, something has gone awry in this process somewhere. The UPS tracking had said 15lbs, as established. I was figuring it would be a fairly good sized box, at that weight. My dog’s food comes in 12lb bags, for instance, and those are…good sized boxes. So I had a concept in my head of what to expect. However, the box that showed up is…well, it’s small. It’s not tiny, but it’s like maybe only a little bigger than a 5lb sack of flour. So that was weird.

3. What was weirder was that, when I looked at the label on the box, it actually says 16 lbs:

Exhibit A

4. What’s even weirder than that, is that when I picked the box up, it was most definitely not 16lbs. Not even remotely close. It was in fact so far off of 16lbs that I immediately pulled out the kitchen scale to weigh it:

Exhibit 2

That’s 2lbs 11.4oz, for the record. That’s 13lbs and whatever whatever ounces short of the reported 16 pounds.

I don’t understand. Like, how did they get it THAT wrong? A pound or two, sure, I can see that…but 13 pounds? That seems like ‘thumb firmly on the scale’ territory to me.

I mean, it was a flat shipping fee so it literally doesn’t matter even one bit, but this is the kind of shit that mystifies me.

Anyway. There may or may not be more updates about this situation as it unfolds.

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